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Nucleid Acid Extractor/Hero 32
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Fully automated, nucleid acid extraction system
Result in 15 minutes
  • Appropriate samples: nasopharyngeal, rinse, alveolar, lung biopsy sample, serum, and plasma
  • Number of samples: 1-32
  • Reagents: Nucleid acid extraction kit (Magnetic beads)
Reagents also compatible for: whole blood, stool

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Διεύθυνση: Kαισαρείας 6, 11527, Αθήνα  /  2ος Οροφος  /  Τηλ: 210 7754303 & 210 7756251  /  Φαξ: 210 7472725  /  Εmail: ndd@ndd.gr


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